Thursday, October 31, 2013

KATO: 4th Consultation - The Egg Retrival

Today was a wonderful day. 

We were instructed to come to KATO at 8:00 a.m., but we arrived late. We got there at 8:20 a.m. There were 5 of us scheduled for egg retrieval. I was supposed to be the first one to be examined, but because I was late, they have already started with another patient. They really do start on time.

First I was accompanied by a nurse into the operating room. Upon entering the room, I had to use the slippers provided by the clinic and then proceeded to my own cubicle, which they call the recovery room. The cubicles are divided with curtains and each cubicle has a comfy bed, a locker, a pillow, and a warm blanket. I had to change into the robe the clinic provided, wearing only a bra underneath. After that, the nurse took my vital signs and gave some instructions on how the procedure would go.

When it was my turn, the nurse accompanied me into the operating area. I also had to change my slippers before entering the room. There were 6 people inside the operating area. While Dr. Perillo was doing the procedure, I could see what was happening through the monitor beside me. There were some small pains, but very tolerable. After the procedure, I went back to my cubicle to recover. They usually give their patients 15 minutes to rest. The nurse gave me some instructions again after changing into my own clothes.

While I was in the operating room, hubby also did his thing and submitted his sperm sample to the lab.

We waited in the patients' lounge for the next step.

I was called into the examination room. Using a speculum, Dr. Perillo checked if I was bleeding inside. 

After that, I and hubby were called into the consultation room. The embryologist talked to us. We received good news -- I had three eggs and 2 of them were mature. She showed us a photo of my eggs, 2 were in very good shape and 1 looked a little bit abnormal because of the shape, but she said it will be given until 6:00 p.m. to mature. Otherwise, it wouldn't be used for embryo transfer. She also explained to us how the egg would be fertilized and how the embryo would be graded. Another good news was that hubby's sperm motility significantly improved. From 52% motile on the first time he had his sperm analysis with Kato, it went up to 93%. We give credit to Dr. Ria, our acupuncturist, for this.

And then we were called into another consultation room where Dr. Perillo talked to us. Considering that my FSH level was high, it was really a surprise that I was able to produce three eggs. Dr. Perillo suggested that we would do a fresh transfer of 1 embryo only to avoid multiple pregnancy, since hubby has relatives who have twins. The other eggs will be frozen for future use if we decide to have another child.

I'm so nervous and excited about what's going to happen next. All my hopes are high now. But I leave it all up to God.


  1. What good news! Praying for the best. :) And I'll keep the acupuncture benefits in mind.

  2. hi! what happened afterwards? Hope you can share. I'm interested in this clinic.

  3. Hi... i just drop here... may i ask if you have a success in ivf? Thank you

  4. Hi i just want to know if during the harvesting of follicles, how would u rate the pain from 0 to 10 as severe pain.. and how long did it last?

    I am so curious of this procedure since i have very low pain threshold.. i have done my HSG and it was so painful for me..

    1. Hi. I have somewhat high tolerance for pain, so for me it's a 9. Maybe you can request to be sedated during the procedure. =)
