Monday, October 28, 2013

KATO: 2nd Consultation

My second consultation at KATO was on October 25th, which was my CD12. After checking in at the reception area, I was called into the testing room. The nurse took my vital signs and everything seemed normal. 

Next I was called into the treatment room for the follicle monitoring. Dr. Mendiola performed the transvaginal ultrasound, which they call in KATO as B-scope. It was a little bit awkward when we exchanged greetings because I was already half naked with both my feet up the stirrups, my vagina exposed to him, when he came. I would say I was more comfortable having transvaginal ultrasound at SLMC-GC because I didn't feel "too naked" there. At KATO, the chair is reclined a little bit low and the stirrups are high that you are positioned like a person about to give birth. There is a curtain between the patient and the doctor, but you can see through it. You are given a towel to cover the naked part of your body. At SLMC-GC on the other hand, the chair is not reclined too low and the stirrups are positioned low, so it feels like you are just sitting. There's a big pillow to support your back and you are given a big sarong-like cloth to cover you, making you feel comfortable and not too exposed. You would  see the doctor face to face, but with my experience, this didn't make me feel awkward.

Dr. Mendiola checked my right ovary first. During my first consultation, only one follicle was seen, but this time there were two. It took Dr. Mendiola longer to check my left ovary and when he spotted a follicle, he said "Ayun!" ["There it is!"], but he lost it. He tried to locate it long enough, but to no avail. He said that all he could see were blood vessels.

The follicles found on my right ovary were still small. I suspect that the follicle on my left ovary was the dominant one (it has always been like this during my previous workups), but unfortunately he couldn't measure it because it was hiding somewhere. Dr. Mendiola told me to be back on my CD16, which is on October 29th. Maybe he was thinking I would ovulate late. I don't know what to expect next. I usually ovulate on my CD14, so I might have ovulated already on my 3rd consultation. This would mean I would start anew on my next cycle. Hopefully, my FSH level has lowered down by then (*crossing fingers*).

...or maybe there was divine intervention...maybe God has another plan for me. Whatever happens next, I leave it all up to God.

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