Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Acupuncture for fertility

On October 26th (Saturday), I and hubby went to our acupuncturist for another session. Our appointment was at 10:30 a.m. First, Dr. Ria had to check my pulse and in just a few seconds of doing that she nodded and smiled. She also smiled when I showed her my tongue. So I take that reaction as good news. I hope.

Dr. Ria used 6 needles on my husband, but I didn't see where they were put because she did me first. She used 10 on me -- 3 on the left leg, 2 on the right leg, 2 on the left arm, and 3 on the right arm. I dozed off after that. It was a very nice and relaxing feeling. 

We were supposed to schedule another session on November 2nd, but it's a holiday so we're going to have to wait another week for our 3rd session.

Dr. Ria said we can stop acupuncture sessions when hubby's sperm motility has improved and when I get pregnant.

Studies show that acupuncture can help with fertility by reducing the effects of stress and balancing the hormones. These are the main reasons I go to an acupuncturist. Some women who have undergone IVF claim that acupuncture increased their chances of producing a successful pregnancy, especially when done on the day of the embryo transfer. 

Being licensed and board certified does not guarantee expertise in reproductive disorder, so those choosing to include acupuncture in their treatment regimen should only be treated by an acupuncturist who specializes in fertility.

(Source: http://www.shadygrovefertility.com/acupuncture)
Acupuncture is a form of physical medicine that originated in China over 4,000 years ago. It uses very thin, sterile needles, inserted into specific points on the body, to manipulate and balance the flow of energy through the body. Acupuncture for Fertility can boost your fertility and increase your chances of success when you are trying to conceive.

How does it work?

Oriental medicine has enhanced fertility for thousands of years by balancing the flow of energy through the body. Achieving and maintaining balance is the goal of life. When we are in balance, our bodies function optimally: our organs function well, our sleep is restful, we are resistant to disease, we recover easily from injury, and our reproductive capacity is functional. For a variety of reasons this balance can become disturbed.

Imbalance gives rise to symptoms, including infertility. Acupuncture aims to correct any imbalance, eliminating any and all symptoms that the imbalance caused. Recent studies suggest that acupuncture may increase conception rates. All of the PDtM acupuncturists are highly skilled, licensed professionals who go through a fertility-specific training process, making them true specialists in the field. 
Acupuncture has been hypothesized to help with all stages in the fertility journey from conception to delivery. Some studies have show that acupuncture may help with:
How can acupuncture help with fertility?
  • Reduce stress
  • Relieve morning sickness
  • Alleviate back and post-op pain
  • Help with post-partum pain and depression
  • Increase live birth rates


  1. Can I get the contact number of DRa Ria in her clinic? Previously sa Mercury Drug Glorietta sya, but she moved to fort boni...

  2. Hi! These are the contact numbers I have of Dr. Ria's clinic at TCM: +639162345779 / (02) 511-0898 / (02) 325-0623. The clinic is on the 2nd floor of Mercury Drug just right across from St. Luke's (Global City).
