Saturday, October 19, 2013

KATO: 1st Consultation

I had my period on October 14th, so I called KATO for an appointment and was scheduled at 2:30 p.m. on October 16th because it was my CD3. 

When I got there, hubby was already filling in his information into the medical forms online using KATO's iPad. I borrowed another of KATO's iPad to do mine. The clinic also issued me a card, which has my name and a number. To know when your turn is and where to go, the number on the patient's card is flashed on the screen they have at the lounge area. All the doctors, nurses, and staff members are warm, kind, and friendly.

After filling out all the online forms, I and hubby waited for our numbers to be flashed on the screen. First, we were called into the testing room. The nurse measured our blood pressure, height, and weight. The nurse also extracted some blood from me for the hormone tests -- estradiol, LH, progesterone, FSH, B-HCG, and prolactin. After that, we went back to the patients' lounge to wait for our numbers again to be flashed for the next step.

Next we were called into the consultation room. We met Dr. Mendiola and Dr. Ong-jao. We brought our previous work-up and lab records and submitted them to the nurse at the reception area, so when we got to see the doctors the papers were already with them. Dr. Mendiola reviewed our previos records and gave a short explanation of how follicles work and how fertilization occurs.

After the short talk with the doctors, we had to wait in the patients' lounge again for the next step. I was called into the examination room for the follicle monitoring through transvaginal ultrasound performed by Dr. Ong-jao. At the same time, hubby was doing his thing for the sperm analysis.

It would take 45 minutes to get the results of the tests, but we just stayed in the patients' lounge. There were some reading materials there and a television to keep us occupied while waiting anyway. 

Dr. Mendiola and Dr. Ong-jao discussed the results to us. Compared to hubby's previous sperm analysis, his count improved. There was a problem with motility though. But with IVF, this shouldn't be a big problem. In my case, out of the five hormone tests, I "failed" one -- the FSH. The normal value at this stage of my cycle should be between 4.5 and 10, but to my dismay mine was 37.9 and this not really good. 

Dr. Mendiola explained that my brain was sending the wrong message to my ovaries, so they seem to be overstimulated. This meant that I couldn't undergo minimal stimulation for the IVF. Instead I would rely on the eggs my body produces naturally, meaning I would be doing natural IVF. 

What a stressful day. I'm not losing hope. Lord, thy will be done.

Our 2nd consultation is scheduled on my CD12, which is on October 25th.

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