Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A ray of hope shines

Today is my CD3 for this cycle and I had TVS to check if there was a cyst causing the fluid in the cul-de-sac. The TVS was a little bit uncomfortable because of my period. But there's good news! The fluid is gone. This means I can move on to IUI this cycle. There were 3 follicles found on my right ovary and four on the left. If the fluid were still there, I would have undergone laparoscopy to have it removed.

I'm done with Clomid. Dr. Jing changed my meds and I will be taking Femara twice a day (2.5 mg each) for five days from CD3 to CD7. I will also be taking Folic Acid (5 mg) to avoid any neural defects just in case I get pregnant this cycle. I hope Femara works and stimulates all of the follicles found to give me a better chance of succeeding the IUI.

What is Femara - Letrozole? 

Femara (generic name is letrozole) is an oral drug which can be an effective fertility treatment for women with ovulation problems, or for those with unexplained infertility. This medication is in a class of drug called aromatase inhibitors. Femara has mainly been used to treat certain cases of breast cancer. 

What is Purifol for?

-prevention and treatment of folic acid deficiencies during pregnancy, especially in assisted reproduction techniques to prevent neural tube defects and orofacial clefts in fetus; in chronic hemolytic anaemia, exfoliative skin disease, gingivitis, angular cheilitis, alcoholism, anorectic cancer,cervical dyslpasia, elderly patients, gout, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal inflammation, malabsorption and tropical sprue. 

Hubby will continue to take Livoncel.

Livoncel is a premium nutritional formula of complete multivitamins + mineral with antioxidant vitamin power plus natural vegetable extracts. It helps protect the body from harmful free radicals, pollutants, and other health damaging factors. It also enhances the body’s immune system against common colds, infections, cancer and other diseases. Livoncel protects the body from damage due to oxidation and free radicals and thus help ensure healthier and longer active life.

Contents: Vit A 2,500 iu, b-carotene 5 mg, vit E 2300 iu, vit B1 5 mg, Vit B2, 5mg, vit B3 15 mg, vit B5 5 mg, vit B6 5 mg, folic acid 200 mcg, vit B12 9 mcg, Vit C 250 mg, Ca 50 mg, Zn 12 mg, copper 1 mg, iodine 75 mcg, biotin 150 mcg, selenium 100 mcg

Indications: Treatment of vitamin & mineral deficiencies
Dosage: 1 softgel capsule 2x a day
Packaging: softgel capsules in bottles of 15s, 30s & 100s
(Image and content source:

1 comment:

  1. where to buy this vitamins? pls send me the details -
    thank you and God bless...
