Monday, March 18, 2013

When an obstacle comes

Today I had a repeat follicle monitoring to check if I had already ovulated and if there was still fluid in the cul-de-sac. The good news was I haven't ovulated yet, but the dominant follicle on my left ovary was nearing its rupture. Also, my uterine lining thickened to its normal size (I'm guessing this is because of the estrogen supplement I took for three days). 

Unfortunately, there was still fluid found in the cul-de-sac and the amount even increased from 24 mL to 28mL. I don't have pain whenever AF comes, so Dr. Jing cancelled out endometriosis. We are still wondering what the cause of this might be. If AF comes next cycle, I would need to have TVU on CD3 to check if there is any cyst that may be causing the fluid. If there is no cyst found and the fluid is still there, Dr. Jing will investigate more through other ways. For now, I have to continue taking Doxin (an antibiotic) for four more days. 

It would have been a perfect timing for the IUI, but we had to forgo this cycle's procedure due to the situation. Because I would most likely ovulate today, Dr. Jing gave me a Pregnyl shot and told us to do BD today and tomorrow, hoping that we would conceive naturally this cycle...crossing fingers now...

Pregnyl (chorionic gonadrophin for injection)
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a polypeptide hormone produced by the human placenta, is composed of an alpha and a beta sub-unit. The alpha sub-unit is essentially identical to the alpha sub-units of the human pituitary gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), as well as to the alpha sub-unit of human thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). The beta sub-units of these hormones differ in amino acid sequence.

*BD: baby dancing

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