Thursday, April 11, 2013

My first cycle with Femara

Today is my CD11 for this cycle and I had my TVS for follicle monitoring. There were five follicles found, but only 2 were dominant -- one on each ovary. Hopefully, the others would still mature just in time for the IUI. There was no fluid found in the cul-de-sac and the endometrium's thickness was ideal. So far, so good.

Instead of taking a trigger shot before the IUI, Dr. Jing recommended that we do LH monitoring using an OPK (ovulation prediction kit). I will be doing the test for four days, starting tomorrow. IUI will happen any time between Saturday and Sunday, depending on the day I get a positive result. I bought the kit from Dr. Jing because it's a lot cheaper compared to the ones sold in Mercury or Watson's, even with the same brand. 

Ovulation prediction kits are a very popular method of detecting ovulation. One of the benefits of using an OPK is that you can predict ovulation before it occurs. OPKs work by detecting LH (Luteinizing Hormone) levels in your urine. Just before ovulation there is a surge in LH. When this LH surge is detected, ovulation should occur within 36 hours. (Source:

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