Monday, June 23, 2014

Pregnancy : 35th Week

Dr. Candelario checked on me and my baby again on June 19th. Unfortunately, the baby is still breech. She said that although there is still a chance for my little one to turn, I should ready myself for a cesarian section especially if I go into early labor. I'm still hoping for my baby to turn though and eventually have vaginal birth.

I anxiously started reading blogs and forums about CS birth to get some ideas on what and what not to do just in case I need to undergo the procedure. 

I'm just glad that my little one stays to be healthy inside me. He actively moves and his heart rate is normal.

It's also the time of pregnancy for me to start walking everyday. Walking is fine, but it has become very difficult for me to get uninterrupted sleep. I pee more frequently and to change sleeping positions is a struggle. Sitting has also become uncomfortable because all the baby's weight goes into the butt and spine, so I have to stand up from time to time and do some mild stretching.

Dr. Candelario advised me to sleep mostly on my left side for better blood circulation in the uterus. She also said that I should drink lots of water to maintain ample amount of amniotic fluid until I give birth.

Next check-up will be on June 25th.

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