Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pregnancy : 34th Week

Happy 116th Independence Day, Philippines!

Today, June 12th, was another check up with Dr. Candelario. Succeeding consultations will be weekly after this until my baby boy is born.

Dr. Candelario did a quick scan of my little one and said that he is healthy, although still in breech. She also said not to worry though and to just wait.

As for me, my blood pressure is normal, which I am very thankful for because I could get away with gestational hypertension. 

It has become more difficult for me to move around at this time of my pregnancy. I was able to watch a documentary about natural birthing entitled "Orgasmic Birth" and I'm impressed with the way the women gave birth. I hope I could do natural spontaneous delivery (NSD) without much medical intervention (induced labor, epidural, etc).

Next check-up will be on June 19th.

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