Monday, June 23, 2014

Pregnancy : 35th Week

Dr. Candelario checked on me and my baby again on June 19th. Unfortunately, the baby is still breech. She said that although there is still a chance for my little one to turn, I should ready myself for a cesarian section especially if I go into early labor. I'm still hoping for my baby to turn though and eventually have vaginal birth.

I anxiously started reading blogs and forums about CS birth to get some ideas on what and what not to do just in case I need to undergo the procedure. 

I'm just glad that my little one stays to be healthy inside me. He actively moves and his heart rate is normal.

It's also the time of pregnancy for me to start walking everyday. Walking is fine, but it has become very difficult for me to get uninterrupted sleep. I pee more frequently and to change sleeping positions is a struggle. Sitting has also become uncomfortable because all the baby's weight goes into the butt and spine, so I have to stand up from time to time and do some mild stretching.

Dr. Candelario advised me to sleep mostly on my left side for better blood circulation in the uterus. She also said that I should drink lots of water to maintain ample amount of amniotic fluid until I give birth.

Next check-up will be on June 25th.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pregnancy : 34th Week

Happy 116th Independence Day, Philippines!

Today, June 12th, was another check up with Dr. Candelario. Succeeding consultations will be weekly after this until my baby boy is born.

Dr. Candelario did a quick scan of my little one and said that he is healthy, although still in breech. She also said not to worry though and to just wait.

As for me, my blood pressure is normal, which I am very thankful for because I could get away with gestational hypertension. 

It has become more difficult for me to move around at this time of my pregnancy. I was able to watch a documentary about natural birthing entitled "Orgasmic Birth" and I'm impressed with the way the women gave birth. I hope I could do natural spontaneous delivery (NSD) without much medical intervention (induced labor, epidural, etc).

Next check-up will be on June 19th.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Pregnancy : 32nd Week

I got a text message from one of Dr. Candelario's assistants that instead of May 28th, my consultation was postponed to May 30th. Surprisingly, I was third in the long list of patients on that day. 

I asked if Dr. Candelario could do a 3D scan of my baby, but she said it was a little too late for that because the baby was already crowding in my uterus, making it difficult to find a good angle for the scan. I should have done it when I was 28 weeks far along. Oh well...

Dr. Candelario said that my baby was fine. Here's what the ultrasound report says:

-Fetal Heart Rate: 154bpm
-Average Ultrasonic Age: 30w6d
-Ultrasonic EDC: 7/24/2014
-Estimated Fetal Weight: 1,733g
-Presentation: Breech
-Placenta: Posterior high lying, Grade III

I'm happy that my baby is developing properly, except that I'm worried about his breech position. Dr. Candelario said that there was still enough time for the baby to change his position. I'm really hoping for natural spontaneous delivery, so I hope my little one makes it possible by turning around properly.

At this time of my pregnancy, my little one is twice as active than before. It's funny that even when I'm asleep, he moves a lot. It's a very nice feeling though and I'm sure gonna miss it.

My next appointment with Dr. Candelario is on June 12th. I guess I'll be having two consultations this month, and weekly consultations in July until the baby is due. I hope to continue receiving good news about my pregnancy, especially that my due date is nearing.

Only 7 weeks (or so) to go!