Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pregnancy : 28th Week

Early morning of April 28th I went to the laboratory for my 2nd OGTT. I and hubby were relieved that the results still came in normal.

I was also scheduled for another check-up with Dr. Candelario. Thankfully, I didn't have to go back to Dr. Solimen because as the OGTT showed, I did not have GDM.

Dr. Candelario did a quick scan of my baby boy. Below is a screen capture of him at 28 weeks.

My baby boy was in breech position though, so I'm hoping that he would position himself properly in time for his birth.

me at 30 weeks far along

As of this writing, I am already halfway through my 32nd week of pregnancy.

Next appointment with Dr. Candelario is on May 28th. I can't wait to see another scan of my baby!


  1. Hi! I've just read your posts today as i was doing research on IVF. We are TTC for years now. We consulted at CARMI re IVF. I saw in one of your posts that you had IUI with same doctor as ours. Was just wondering how come you chose to have your IVF at KATO instead of St. Luke's? Success Rates? Cost Wise? Procedure? Would really appreciate it if you could enlighten me on these matters as we have to make a decision soon. Thanks so much.

    1. Hi! We chose to go to KATO for IVF because of all the things you mentioned. Unfortunately, I haven't heard many success stories about IVF at CARMI. The success rate of KATO todate is comparable to Lee Women's Clinic in Taiwan, which is really popular worldwide for its success rate in IVF. Cost-wise, P350,000 is more than enough for the whole procedure and payment is flexible. With regard to procedure, I am not a big fan of conventional medicine. KATO uses only minimal stimulation and focuses more on readying your body before every major procedure is done. I suggest you attend one of the monthly seminars KATO holds to give you more ideas about the facilities, procedures, and technology. Good luck and don't forget to pray for guidance.

    2. Hi! Thank you so much for the insights. Will look into KATO seminar. I truly appreciate your help. Good luck and I hope all goes well for you too.
