Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My early pregnancy symptoms

I think I have felt the earliest sign of pregnancy a few days before my 1st b-hcg. I was always sleepy and my breasts were sore. I was on oral and suppository progesterone supplements at that time and I read somewhere that progesterone could make your body mimic the symptoms of pregnancy, so I did not put much attention to what I was feeling. 

On the fifth week, I began to become hungry all the time. On the sixth week, I started experiencing the GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or the acid reflux disease. It's really hard because every time I eat even just a little, I feel like the food stays in my esophagus and does not go down my stomach. Because of this, I have difficulty burping. I am now on the 8th week and I continue to suffer from this. 

Before I got pregnant, I always avoided cold water. Now I don't like water very much, unless it's chilled or iced. I used to like apples, but when I started experiencing acid reflux I stopped. It seemed that my body wouldn't take it. Milk (from cow) also makes me uncomfortable, so what I drink now is almond milk. I dxon't like the smell of some dishes, but I'm glad this doesn't make me too nauseated.

My breasts are still sore from time to time, especially in the morning. I don't have morning sickness (yet), thanks to acupuncture! Dr. Ria, my acupuncturist, said that acupuncture helps a lot in minimizing uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms. I hope I will never experience morning sickness throughout my pregnancy.

I am not very picky with food yet, but most of the time I don't know what I want to eat either. 

Oh, one more thing, I hate toothpaste! But I have to endure using it for hygiene's sake.

On December 12th will be my next appointment with Kato. I can't wait to see how our little one has grown! ^^

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