Friday, December 13, 2013

KATO: 10th Consultation - My little one on its 8th week

Yesterday, December 12th, we had another scan at Kato of our little baby, this time on its eight week. 

First, we were called into the examination room for the transvaginal ultrasound. While Dr. Perillo did the ultrasound, hubby took a video of what was showing on the screen next to us. We could clearly see the baby's heartbeat and it was so overwhelming. 

Our baby is growing right on time. At eight weeks, it was 1.7 cm long from head to butt. Dr. Perillo showed us an angle where we could see the arms starting to develop. The heartbeat was 175 bpm, which according to Dr. Perillo was a good rate. 

Our little one on its 8th week

After waiting for some time at the patients' lounge, we were called into the consultation room. Dr. Perillo and Dr. Ong-jao were there to talk to us. Dr. Perillo showed us all the screen shots of our baby and explained the report in detail, while Dr. Ong-jao wrote some notes on our file.

I would still continue taking Duphaston until my next visit to Kato. Dr. Ong-jao also gave me a prescription for Vitamin C because I currently have a cold. 

I and hubby are very happy that our baby is developing and holding on well. It is just amazing that a lot of things happen with the baby in just a short period of time. We are excited for our next peek at our baby on December 20th. It will be our last consultation with Kato. On that day, Kato will be handing us over our records and an endorsement to the next ob-gyne that will take care of me for the rest of my pregnancy. 

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