Tuesday, December 31, 2013

KATO: 11th & Last consultation - My little one dancing already at nine weeks

On December 20th was our last consultation with Kato. When we got there, everyone was in good spirits. There were other patients who had their last consultation. There was an Indian couple who went out of the consultation room smiling after talking with Dr. Mendiola. I'm assuming they got their positive first b-hcg. One of the couples saw their baby's first heartbeat and they couldn't stop smiling too. A previous patient also came with her husband and baby. She was one of the successful patients Kato has had in April 2012. 

Dr. Perillo did the ultrasound on me and what we saw was really wonderful and overwhelming. We saw our baby move for the first time!

I and hubby have resigned from our respective jobs and gave up everything in Manila. Now we're back in our hometown. I  am now officially a SAHW and still trying to figure out how I can spend my time productively. I'm on my 11th week of pregnancy, although I haven't been to my chosen ob-gyn yet. 

I can't wait to see how my little one is growing. I hope everything is going fine.


  1. Hi Congrats! I'm not sure if active pa itong account mo and mababasa mo pa ang comments ko. But anyway dahil sa post mo nagkaron ako ng hope; been married for 11 years with unexplained infertility. Will try sa KATO. May I know kung sang Acupuncture kayo ng pa-alaga? Pa message nalang po if hindi pwede I-post dito - mdayrit1226@gmail.com

    Thank you and God Bless!

    1. Hi! I'm sorry for the late reply. I haven't been checking my blog and e-mail lately due to mommy duties.

      I went to TCM for Acupuncture. It's located at the 2nd floor of Mercury Drug right across from St. Luke's BGC. Dr. Ria was my acupuncturist.

      You might also want to join Kato Philippines Support Group on Facebook for more info. :)

      I sincerely wish you success on your journey to getting pregnant :)
