Tuesday, December 31, 2013

KATO: 11th & Last consultation - My little one dancing already at nine weeks

On December 20th was our last consultation with Kato. When we got there, everyone was in good spirits. There were other patients who had their last consultation. There was an Indian couple who went out of the consultation room smiling after talking with Dr. Mendiola. I'm assuming they got their positive first b-hcg. One of the couples saw their baby's first heartbeat and they couldn't stop smiling too. A previous patient also came with her husband and baby. She was one of the successful patients Kato has had in April 2012. 

Dr. Perillo did the ultrasound on me and what we saw was really wonderful and overwhelming. We saw our baby move for the first time!

I and hubby have resigned from our respective jobs and gave up everything in Manila. Now we're back in our hometown. I  am now officially a SAHW and still trying to figure out how I can spend my time productively. I'm on my 11th week of pregnancy, although I haven't been to my chosen ob-gyn yet. 

I can't wait to see how my little one is growing. I hope everything is going fine.

Friday, December 13, 2013

KATO: 10th Consultation - My little one on its 8th week

Yesterday, December 12th, we had another scan at Kato of our little baby, this time on its eight week. 

First, we were called into the examination room for the transvaginal ultrasound. While Dr. Perillo did the ultrasound, hubby took a video of what was showing on the screen next to us. We could clearly see the baby's heartbeat and it was so overwhelming. 

Our baby is growing right on time. At eight weeks, it was 1.7 cm long from head to butt. Dr. Perillo showed us an angle where we could see the arms starting to develop. The heartbeat was 175 bpm, which according to Dr. Perillo was a good rate. 

Our little one on its 8th week

After waiting for some time at the patients' lounge, we were called into the consultation room. Dr. Perillo and Dr. Ong-jao were there to talk to us. Dr. Perillo showed us all the screen shots of our baby and explained the report in detail, while Dr. Ong-jao wrote some notes on our file.

I would still continue taking Duphaston until my next visit to Kato. Dr. Ong-jao also gave me a prescription for Vitamin C because I currently have a cold. 

I and hubby are very happy that our baby is developing and holding on well. It is just amazing that a lot of things happen with the baby in just a short period of time. We are excited for our next peek at our baby on December 20th. It will be our last consultation with Kato. On that day, Kato will be handing us over our records and an endorsement to the next ob-gyne that will take care of me for the rest of my pregnancy. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My early pregnancy symptoms

I think I have felt the earliest sign of pregnancy a few days before my 1st b-hcg. I was always sleepy and my breasts were sore. I was on oral and suppository progesterone supplements at that time and I read somewhere that progesterone could make your body mimic the symptoms of pregnancy, so I did not put much attention to what I was feeling. 

On the fifth week, I began to become hungry all the time. On the sixth week, I started experiencing the GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or the acid reflux disease. It's really hard because every time I eat even just a little, I feel like the food stays in my esophagus and does not go down my stomach. Because of this, I have difficulty burping. I am now on the 8th week and I continue to suffer from this. 

Before I got pregnant, I always avoided cold water. Now I don't like water very much, unless it's chilled or iced. I used to like apples, but when I started experiencing acid reflux I stopped. It seemed that my body wouldn't take it. Milk (from cow) also makes me uncomfortable, so what I drink now is almond milk. I dxon't like the smell of some dishes, but I'm glad this doesn't make me too nauseated.

My breasts are still sore from time to time, especially in the morning. I don't have morning sickness (yet), thanks to acupuncture! Dr. Ria, my acupuncturist, said that acupuncture helps a lot in minimizing uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms. I hope I will never experience morning sickness throughout my pregnancy.

I am not very picky with food yet, but most of the time I don't know what I want to eat either. 

Oh, one more thing, I hate toothpaste! But I have to endure using it for hygiene's sake.

On December 12th will be my next appointment with Kato. I can't wait to see how our little one has grown! ^^

Monday, December 2, 2013

KATO: 9th Consultation - The heartbeat

On December 1st was our schedule for the second sonogram. The day before that, I received a text message from Kato that we should be there between 10:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Hubby and I arrived at 10:30 a.m. and surprisingly many couples were already there. I think it was the most number of patients in Kato I have seen so far. All the staff of Kato was very busy. There were patients scheduled for egg retrieval, some for embryo transfer, and others for consultation like me. I also saw some foreign couples -- a Japanese, a Chinese, and an Indian couple. Everyone in the patients' lounge was doing their own thing, but because there's free wi-fi service in Kato, most were absorbed on their cell phones or tablets.

I waited for 30 minutes before I was called into the treatment room for my vital signs. I was just glad that there were no hormone tests for me anymore. It always took longer before the nurse could find a vein in my arm where the blood could be extracted. This happened not only in Kato, but also in other hospitals or laboratories.

One hour had passed before I was called into the examination room for the sonogram. Kato follows the "first-come-first-served" policy and we were the last patients to arrive in the clinic, so the long wait was understandable. Hubby also went inside. It was Dr. Perillo who did the examination. I was so nervous before that because I didn't know if I would see a baby or not. Thankfully, I am definitely pregnant! We saw the gestational sac got bigger, we saw a yolk sac, and the fetal pole. The most exciting to see was the baby's heartbeat! We couldn't hear it yet because the baby was too small (about 4.4 mm). What we saw was a very fast flickering of light, which indicated the heartbeat (134 bpm), coming from the fetal pole. It was overwhelming. 

This is my baby at 6 weeks 4 days.

After a few minutes, we were called into the consultation room. It was Dr. Ong-jao who talked to us. She said that everything seemed to be working right on time. I asked her about the current success rate of Kato with IVF, since some of those who read my blog are curious about it. She said that from January to October this year, the success rate of Kato has been 50%.  

Today, I am 7 weeks far along based on the LMP or 6 weeks 5 days based on IVF. Our next visit to Kato is on December 12th. I am now more excited about it.