Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What to do after the 2-day embryo transfer? (The 12-day wait)

Today is my 10dp2dt (10 days post 2-day transfer). If the 2ww (2-week wait) during the time I had my IUIs was nerve-wracking, this time the feeling is twice more. Everybody says to keep my mind off it, but it's difficult to do that especially now that I am only 2 days away from my beta HCG test.

After the embryo transfer, I took a week of home rest. Take note, home rest doesn't necessarily mean bed rest. The embryologist at Kato and my acupuncturist told me not to do bed rest.  Moving promotes better blood and medicine circulation (especially in the uterus area) and balances the Qi.

Here is a list of some other things to do and not to do after the embryo transfer (based on Kato's instructions and on my readings): 
  • It's okay to pee right after the procedure (embryo transfer). The embryo is "sandwiched" in the uterus, it will not fall out.
  • Resume normal activity, but everything in moderation.
  • No sexual intercourse before pregnancy is confirmed.
  • No swimming. Bubble baths and jacuzzis are also a no-no. Showering with lukewarm water is okay.
  • No heavy chores like lifting heavy objects.
  • No strenuous activities, such as exercise that cause contraction in the abdomen area. 
  • Walking is okay, but in moderation.
  • There is no food restriction, but eating healthy is still the best. My acupuncturist told me not to eat or drink anything cold though. I'm not a fan of cold drinks, but I have been avoiding ice creams unwillingly. Some women also advise to eat pineapple core for 5 days from the day of transfer. Walnut and avocado are also highly recommended. 
  • Keep the body warm (especially the feet). Don't use a hot pack on the abdomen area. Sauna is also a big no-no. High body temperature can hinder implantation.
  • Keep your mind off your body. Medicines taken during the 12-day wait can make the body mimic the early symptoms of pregnancy, so don't drive yourself crazy looking into these symptoms. Pregnancy can be confirmed on the day of beta HCG test.
  • Do acupuncture, especially on the day of the embryo transfer.
  • Do relaxing activities and avoid stress.
  • Keep hydrated.
  • Most importantly, PRAY. No matter what the circumstances are, it is still up to HIM in the end.


  1. Hi, ask ko lng po any early sign na experienced nyo sa 2weeks after embryo transfer.thanks

    1. Hi. I had not experience any sign of pregnancy within the two-week wait, so I was really anxious that time. Pregnancy symptoms started to come when I was six weeks far along.

    2. I was worried that time. I experienced backpain and lower abdominal pain. But after i got my first hcg test(680) my worried was gone. I always read your blog and use it as a guide. Thank you very much.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I am glad that even in small ways I was able to help you through my blog. Congratulations and enjoy pregnancy! =)
