Wednesday, November 27, 2013

KATO: 8th Consultation - The first sonogram

Hubby and I got to Kato at 9:00 a.m. on November 24th. Many couples were already there waiting for their turn. While the nurse was taking my vital signs, she mentioned that only Dr. Perillo was there to attend to the patients. There were four patients scheduled for egg retrieval that morning.

It was my first sonogram (transvaginal ultrasound) after the initial confirmation of pregnancy (1st b-hcg). Hubby was also called into the examination room. We saw a gestational sac that measured 9.9 mm. Dr. Perillo said everything looked fine --there were no signs of bleeding or any kind of threat so far. Based on my LMP, I was 5 weeks 6 days far along and according to IVF computation I was 5 weeks 4 days far along.

We waited for a little while in the patient's lounge before we were called into the consultation room where Dr. Perillo was waiting. She said, "So far so good!" My 3rd b-hcg, estradiol, and progesterone levels showed good numbers. I would stop taking Progynova (for estradiol), but continue with Duphaston (for progesterone). 

On our next visit (December 1st), we should be expecting to see the yolk sac, the fetal pole, and hopefully see (or hear) a heartbeat. 

I am so excited, yet still anxious at the same time.

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