Thursday, November 21, 2013

KATO: 7th Consultation - The second b-hcg test

HCG levels should double every 48-72 hours from the first b-hcg test. This would mean that the embryo continues to develop. A decreased level of HCG after the first b-hcg test may mean miscarriage.

I and hubby went to Kato on November 19th for the second b-hcg test. Although I was more relaxed than the firs b-hcg test, anxiety was still there. There were so many "what ifs" going through my mind while waiting for the result of the test.

When we were called into the consultation room, it was Dr. Mendiola who talked to us. Fortunately, we got good results. 

With the IVF calculation, we are 5 weeks 1 day far along today. Our next consultation is scheduled on November 24th. There will be another b-hcg test, as well as estradiol and progesterone tests. I will also have my first sonogram to check for the gestational sac and yolk sac.

I'm still nervous about these tests, but I hope everything continues to go well.


  1. Congrats sis. If you dont mind me asking how much is the ivf cost in kato? Tnx

  2. Thank you, sis. The cost will depend on what protocol the doctor recommends for you. With natural IVF, it's P168,000 (for positive pregnancy) + consultation fees, lab tests, medicine, etc. You can check Kato's website about the detailed pricing for the IVF with minimum stimulation. :)
