Monday, February 25, 2013

The 2-week wait

This is probably the longest 2-week wait of my life! This period can be nerve-wracking for women who are trying to get pregnant. This time of the cycle is usually called the luteal phase.

Luteal Phase (Source: http://www.ovulation-calendar/hlp-d04-luteal-phase.html)

The luteal phasealso referred to as 'days past ovulation' or 'DPO', is the part of the cycle that starts at ovulation and ends the day before your next period. The luteal phase is named after the corpus luteum (Latin: "yellow body"), a structure that grows on the surface of the ovary where a mature egg was released at ovulation. The corpus luteum produces progesterone in preparing the body for pregnancy. Your luteal phase must be at least 10 days long to support pregnancy.

The length of the luteal phase determines the time of ovulation within your menstrual cycle. Ovulation can be delayed by a number of factors, such as stress, increased activity or medication, but the length of the luteal phase is usually constant. Taking this into account, you can calculate the time of ovulation within your cycle by subtracting the length of your luteal phase from the length of your cycle. For example, if your cycle is 28 days long and your luteal phase is 12 days long, the ovulation will occur on day 16 of your cycle (28-12=16). Ovulation Calendar uses this formula to calculate your time of ovulation.

Although I am now on 9dpiui, it's hard to tell when I ovulated. Maybe I would need to wait longer than 14 days to know about the result of the IUI. I promised to distract myself with other activities, but seriously it's hard not to think about whether I conceived or not. I'm claiming it! Still I can't help but wonder. As the end of the 2-week wait nears, I am thinking about making myself unreachable to everyone who knows about my IUI. I don't really look forward to getting messages asking me if I were pregnant already. I hope they would just wait for me to give the news. I know everyone is excited as I am, but it is so stressful at the same time. 
*9dpiui: 9 days past IUI

Here are some interesting videos that can help us understand more what happens inside the woman's womb:

1 comment:

  1. Hi BM! I think it is a little late to ask, but what happened to your pregnancy journey? I did remember having a hard time conceiving. I consulted with my OB and she said to eat plenty of healthy food for pregnant women and increase my folic intake.
