Friday, January 31, 2014

Pregnancy: 14th Week

I took the lab tests required by Dr. Candelario five days before my next appointment with her. Thankfully, the results of the tests were within the normal values.

On January 25th, I and hubby went to Dr. Candelario for another check-up. I was on my 14th week. The following was the report based on the ultrasound:

-Fetal Hart Rate: 146bpm
-Average Ultrasonic Age: 14w2d
-Ultrasonic EDC: 7/21/2014
-Estimated Fetal Weight: 87g
-Presentation: Cephalic
-Placenta: Anterior low-lying, grade 1

As Dr. Candelario was doing the ultrasound, she suddenly said without warning that she suspected our little one was a boy. This got me more excited because I have always wanted a boy for my first child, although hubby wanted a girl. Anyway, it was too early to tell so we just need to wait until the 5th month to be 100% sure. But in the end, hubby and I are praying for a healthy baby no matter what the gender is.

Dr. Candelario did not prescribe any new supplement, so I would still continue to take Celgro, Utrogestan, Folic Acid, and Similac.

me, at 14 weeks far along

Contrary to common belief that baby bump usually shows later in the pregnancy for first pregnancies, I was already starting to show at 14 weeks. 

My next visit to Dr. Candelario will be on February 25th. Can't wait!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pregnancy: 11th week

On January 4th was my first consultation with a new ob-gyne, Dr. Ma. Nellbvezz Candelario. From what I was told, she is one of the doctors in town that handles high-risk pregnancies. I and hubby chose Dr. Candelario because her family is close to my husband's family. She also handled my sister-in-law's pregnancies.

When we got to her clinic, we were 11th on the list, but 4th in line. We were called into the clinic after an hour. First, Dr. Candelario asked some information about my IVF experience in Kato, then she took an ultrasound of our little one. Hubby and I were very happy to see the baby move every time we do the ultrasound.

At its 11th week, our baby was 4.2 cm long (from head to butt), and the heartbeat was at 166 bpm.

Dr. Candelario recommended me to continue taking folic acid. She also added some supplements like Celgro (protein), Similac (milk). I don't like milk, but I have to endure it for my baby's sake. She also told me to take Utrogestan (progesterone) again until the 5th month of my pregnancy.

She also asked to undergo some tests before my next consultation with her:
-complete blood count
-blood typing
-Rh typing

I am now on my 13th week (based on AOG) and at this point of my pregnancy, I am glad that I still don't have morning sickness or anything unbearable. Acid reflux (heartburn) is the only thing that's making me uncomfortable so far.

My next check-up will be on January 25th. I can't wait to see my baby's development again!