Monday, September 9, 2013

Back from hiatus

In the past two months that I haven't been able to update this blog, I was just feeling down and couldn't find myself to talk about anything related to getting pregnant. The feeling comes and goes, I'm sure many of those TTC understand this. 

Just recently, my father-in-law had a serious talk with hubby and me. It was about major decisions we had to make. First, it is about deciding on going to Taiwan for an IVF. We have been living in Manila for 9 years now and the second major decision we have to make is about leaving everything in Manila behind and going back to our hometown to give way to my father-in-law and hubby's plans of putting up a business back home. I and hubby drafted our timeline for these plans. There are no final talks yet, but based on my father-in-law's statements, these plans must happen. I don't have any negative feeling about it anyway. I am for these plans.

I am grateful, really, really grateful to my in-laws for offering to help with the funding of our IVF in Taiwan.  Of course the pressure and what ifs are still there, but I am leaving it all up to HIM now. 

There is this blog I have been following that I haven't checked in a long time until today. I am really happy that finally, the blogger got her BFP after an IVF procedure in Taiwan. She had been through a lot of things as far as TTC is concerned, but she never lost hope. She tried everything she could and failure did not hinder her from trying again. Hers is an inspiring story. This is the link to her blog:

1 comment:

  1. IVF centre in India must be chosen with care, based on the experience of the surgeon. Treat your infertility issues with best techniques at Sofat infertility centre.
