Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My C-section Delivery

Finally I found the time to update my blog. It's been a looong time since I gave birth and I hope I could still remember my birthing experience.

In the afternoon of July 11th I was admitted in the hospital in preparation for my scheduled c-section delivery on July 12th at 7:00 a.m. Nurses had come to me for a variety of tests I needed to undergo and interviewed me about my medical history. My blood pressure and my baby's heartbeat were also constantly monitored. I was allowed to eat until midnight only. I was supposed to be on IV at 5:30 a.m. the next day, but my urinalysis showed that I had UTI (urinary track infection), so I had to take antibiotics through the IV right away.

I was uncomfortable the whole time because it was my first time to be admitted to the hospital. Nonetheless, I and my hubby still found time to goof around and take selfies.

My sister arrived at the hospital from work very early in the morning of July 12th. She was assigned to watch our things in the room while I and my hubby were gone.

At 6:30 A.M., I was taken to the delivery room. The anesthesiologist was already there. I was just glad that she was very helpful in making me feel comfortable all throughout the surgery. I must say that she is one good anesthesiologist because I didn't feel any pain while she injected me. She also talked to me while Dr. Candelario and another doctor were opening me up.

It felt like 15 minutes (or so) and then I heard my little bub's first cry. It was like music to my ears. As the doctors were stitching me, the pediatrician put him next to me and I kissed him for the first time. After that, I also experienced the "Unang Yakap" with my baby. It was overwhelming. I was full of happiness.

While I was in the recovery room, family members took turn in taking photos of my baby in the nursery. I know I had to get some rest after that, but I couldn't get myself to sleep. My baby was roomed in on the same day. Visitors started coming and going, while I just laid down on the bed watching everyone.

It was of course an unforgettable day. Everyone was happy.