Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pregnancy: 19th Week...It's a boy!

On February 25th was another appointment with Dr. Candelario. 

Based on the AOG, I was 19 weeks and 1 day far along. Dr. Candelario measured my belly and did a quick scan of my baby. As soon as the the baby showed up on the ultrasound monitor, Dr. Candelario confirmed its gender. We're having a boy! When I looked at the screen in front of me, there was no doubt that it was a boy because I could see clearly my baby's "wang." (^_^) Baby's heartbeat was 148 bpm. I and hubby are getting more excited!

My appetite and taste buds are getting back to normal, although I need to control my eating because I still suffer from heart burn.

These are are supplements I have to take: 
1. Obimin Pluz (multivitamin) - 1 tab daily
2. Hemarate (iron supplement) - 1 tab daily
3. Calciumade - 2 tabs a day
4. Celgro - 2 caps a day
5. Mother DHA - 2 caps a day
6. Similac Mom (milk) - 2 glasses a day

The iron and calcium supplements should not be taken together for better absorption, so I take iron at noon.

I'm glad I'm done with Utrogestan (progesterone supplement) --no more icky feeling down there, finally! 

My next check-up with Dr. Candelario will be on March 25th. I can't wait to see my baby's progress then!